Reflective Coaching

 Expectations & Practice Principles

I commit to:
- ensuring confidentiality & the safety of coachees
- providing a professional, respectful, non-judgmental environment
regularly reflecting on my own performance & effectiveness
- following the Global Code of Ethics for coaches, mentors, & supervisors
- behave according to the EMCC Diversity & Inclusion Declaration.

The time is always right to do what is right.

The Practice Principles I will deploy include:
- supporting the identification of & progress towards coachees' goals, by
- utilising a range of strategies, including active listening & reflective practice, to
- help realise & explore options & possibilities, to 
- support coachees' learning & shifts in performance or behaviour.

Expectations of coachees
While working with me I expect coachees to:
- remain open-minded & open to possibilities
- work towards their goals, & to agreed time-frames
- reflect on their learning & progress
- be prepared to share thoughts & experiences.

With self-discipline most anything is possible.